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Win 2000$

08_Lottery_InfoPickuphost gives away cash prizes and gifts to its site visitors!

Quality reviews are essential for the success of any comparison and ranking site. Therefore as an appreciation for the review writers, PickupHost decided to reward them!

Submit your hosting review and PickupHost will have you participate in a cash prize draw together with a possibility to win any of our gifts.

As first step, Pickuphost is now offering a cash prize of $2,000.

Additional prizes and gifts will be introduced shortly.

Every 250 new reviews will run the lottery. One out of the 250 reviewers will be awarded the cash prize of $2,000!
Please see the reviews counter on this page.

The system will select the gift winners randomly. Every review has a chance to be the prize-winner!

Don’t waste your time, submit your hosting review right here, right now!

The winner of the main cash reward will be selected manually. For absolute transparency and fairness of the draw, Pickuphost entrusted the winner selection process to the Accounting firm:

Swart & CoAccountants
Postbus 336
1180 AH Amstelveen
The Netherlands
tel (020) 545 61 21
fax (020) 545 61 81

The cash reward will be transferred to you through Paypal/Webmoney account or by check. You will get the other gifts in the form of vouchers or we will purchase them on-site service.

Please, be honest in your reviews. If you are not satisfied with something in your hosting, feel free to write about it. However, don’t forget to mention also all the good sides of the hosting you are using for your website. Other users will be relying on your review, so, express your true experience and be fair to both the hosting company and your fellow customers.

Pickuphost reserves the right to disapprove any review which is found unauthentic or inappropriate.

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